Alternative Information on Publicly Traded Wireless Companies Financial Community - Hedge Funds - Investment Firms
RF Datacom - Sales Acceleration and Consulting Services for the Wireless Industry
Building successful relationships for our clients with mobile operators, wireless carriers, government, utilities, integrators, and OEMs

Copyright © 2016 by RF Datacom Inc. All rights reserved.


Wireless Industry Consulting for Financial Institutions

RF Datacom's team of consultants provides the investment community with detailed information on the wireless industry.

We supply mainstream data as well as deep analysis on specific manufacturers, market conditions, emerging technologies, and industry trends. Our services range from telephone consultations to complex written reports.

RF Datacom also works on low-latency networks using microwave radios for High Frequency Trading (HFT). We've worked on multiple projects in USA and Europe - long-haul and metro links.

Our clients Include:

Barclays Capital
Bank of America - JP Morgan
Credit Suisse
Well Fargo Securities
T. Rowe Price
Aurora Capital Group
Soros Fund Management
Wellspring Management
Pioneer Capital
Serengeti Asset Management
Guggenheim Partners
Franklin Mutual Advisors
Wellington Management
Corinthian Capital Group
Trellus Management
Palmyra Capital
Maverick Capital
